Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Still want to share...
Yet another place to share stuff - of a more practical nature - is Box.net. The "Lite" (free registration) access lets you store, work on and share documents, photos, etc. Not a bad tool - is more of an aggregator as you use/give Box.net access to your photos on your photo host (for a change, this one does include Photobucket!), documents and spreadsheets with Zoho, etc. Useful to bring these together rather than working across these applications separately. Another useful choice for groups working collaboratively, but not directly connected, as folder/s can be shared and all with access have the uploads as soon as they are put in. Not bad for someone working with, for example, a number of community groups or work teams concurrently - access all your own material in one place and share selected folder/s with each group; or even with work colleagues if you are (supposedly) on holidays!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Cats' correction
Some fun stuff
Time for a bit of Wolf play - some fun websites to look at when you really have nothing else to do... (try reading a book or playing a word game - with paper, pencils and real people! - it will do you a lot of good! )
But for more e-play, with a slightly arty bent, try...
- designing a snowflake - then turn it into a cool 2D or 3D kaleidoscope (cool fun);
- try an e-version of the string art you used to do in primary school (it never looked this good);
- play cartoon identikit with mr picasso head (cute); or
- make sand fall in cascades of your own design.
And for something of a little more intellectual value, have a look at the science & nature and mind quizzes and surveys on the BBC website - some of these are gathering results for research projects.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Yet another place to share your life online !
When you've run out of MySpace, you can't bear to FaceBook and you really - (wwwhhhyyyy???) want another place to go and write up bits and pieces to share with those out there - there's Plaxo. Could be a useful tool though to synchronise work calendars and task lists, etc with friends and colleagues not linked via a fixed network but are wandering around the internet.
Pop out for a newsletter?
More web type publishing ideas - this time a (fairly) quick way to put together a newsletter, invitation or other missive where you don't want to do all the graphic design yourself. Try sites such as Letterpop where you can add your text and select images to create your own news - ideal for party invitations, community groups, etc - if you can find templates you like amongst the overly American selections. You are a bit limited in what you can do under a free rego but there are account options if you're really keen. Go over the top and use it to create one of those evil, gloating Christmas letters that other people hate to receive; or in a more humble manner share a delicious recipe - like the Wolf has done ! - http://www.letterpop.com/newsletters/?id=90214-5e7420
Want to get into publishing?
...at least in a small but fun way... a variety of websites, such as bighugelabs will let you mock up magazine covers. Great for birthdays and other occasions or to just try a layout for upcoming works.
Now Wolf is off to gather the scaly friends to help write the content!

Saturday, June 7, 2008
That sinking feeling...
As the Wolf is on hols... she took in a musical (only three times) where her niece-cub was in the top billing! - "Titanic the musical" (strange but true; most enjoyable and fortunately not like that movie!).
A lavish production put on by the Armidale Drama and Musical Society ADMS (in the glorious winter New England area of northern NSW, Australia). The cast of about 70 did great justice to some wonderful choruses and the many solo performances were outstanding.
The girl in the grey tartan is Emily Thomas-Moore playing Kate Murphey, a third class passenger, when she first sees the Titanic...

The glittering first class passengers...

The three lovely girls (L-R: Kate Jones, Emily Thomas-Moore & Ruth Strutt) playing the three Kates on board...

Some of the survivors and ghosts in the 'foggy' finale on closing night...

(so now I've had a chance to play with pics on Photobucket - not bad tool for photo share/play/edit, etc )
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Soooo many cats... (and more other cute/weird/funny pics than one can comprehend!)
Yes, the Wolf is on holidays and is now (again) borrowing litter mate's laptop with actual computing power to learn more 2.1 things !!
Well, there may be a few of you out there who haven't found these sites yet but... they are worth a look... and quite a few laughs... and the occasional groan or 'what the !?' -- lolcats and icanhascheezburger for starters, then there's cuteoverload and doubtless many others (too much time on these three already!)
So go browse and enjoy !

ok... but wait, there's tooo many more... just a few (hard to stop really!)...

mixing your movie concepts --

extra aawwwhhh! points when you combine your cute critters --

-- a candidate for 'most unusual' !

more cat pictures
muuuust stopppp nowwwww ...
and a good one to finish...

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