Thursday, September 18, 2008

Arrr!! It be International Talk Like A Pirate Day !

Couldn`t let such an auspicious tide go past without addin' a quick piratical post - from Th' Wolf o' Th' Seas !

Be havin' a great tide all ye wannabes an' may th' seas swallow any o' th' real ones!


Happy Birthday James!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Scrappy times

Well, as much as the Wolf has a conscientious objection to the idea of scrapbooking - the possibilities of the needless destruction of original and irreplaceable photos (less of a worry these digital days)... but now you can safely scrap away in a virtual manner!
Definitely need plenty of time - uploading pics, selecting decals and stickers, etc - will take a while.
A nifty and more decorative way to share photos of any occasion, especially with distant friends and it is another useful app eg. to use for the production of marketing/promotion materials.
So try Scrapblog - it's fun and free;
Here's one I came up with to try it out: