Sunday, August 5, 2007

Watch and learn (or be very afraid)

Video content, amongst everything else, is out there and growing at exponential rates. Too much of it is 'WHY did they bother??' and 'eeewwww!!!' - so little (comparatively) rates an 'oh, that's interesting and useful!' (and yes, there is a fair bit of 'LOL' stuff - but how much time does anyone have...????)
Well, the biggy is, of course, YouTube, - the one we get to hear about on the news almost every night when either someone has put something awful or illicit up or we have aging politicians (who have to ask their adult children how much a litre of milk costs for real people to buy) thinking that they are getting in touch with Gen neXt by putting party politicals on the web.
Cynical - me - never! but there is some good stuff to be found.
And for a couple of interesting ones... look up !!

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