Monday, March 30, 2009

During the meanwhile...


The Wolf is back again - after more time has passed than The Wolf had thought!

No great dramas in WolfLand, just keeping on with the day-to-day, work-a-day Wolf World.

Did manage a short holiday to Melbourne - as enjoyable a place as ever!

Though The Wolf did have an excuse for the travel - the intent to further educate the indexing side of the Wolf Mind!
Yes, you know those useful things in the back of books and magazines, or on the web (where you usually can't see them), that help you locate the information you seek!

That's right - most of the time it is done by clever human types - with a great eye for detail, terrific information analysis skills and a quick wit. This is all too often needed, as in the publishing world, for instance, the index may be the last task pre-assembly for printing and the most likely to have a scarily short time frame.

So next time you're looking up that encyclopaedia entry, recipe, history or book review - spare a thought for the (usually anonymous) creator of those last pages.

Want to know more - Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers and/or the international links page at Society of Indexers (UK) website.

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