Sunday, June 24, 2007

And here is the news...

Next on the playlist are the delights of RSS and blogs as sources(?) of news and information (or is that more like opinion, with news and information running not-so-close second and third?!)

Bloglines is one example of a reader to use to gather such joys of e-news to your browser... as if one doesn't have enough to do sorting email!
There are several others - have a play and find one you prefer.

For news around the planet, the Wolf gets some of her updates by RSS feeds from the BBC , the ABC (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, that is!), and Crikey.

Library and information feeds/blogs/blogs with feeds, etc, are varied, to say the least.
Just a couple of the many (and sometimes worrying!) blogs out there that I try to find time to peruse include: Jenny Levine's The Shifted Librarian (interesting discussion lately on Second Life), Stephen M Cohen's LibraryStuff and the new-ish blog by power searcher Mary Ellen Bates - Librarian of Fortune.
One blog host, Blogspot, includes an index to librarians’ blogs. Unrelated to Librarians’ Internet Index, it gives an alpha list by blog name with short description. 'Wide-ranging' is an understated description! Currency seems to be bit of a problem - but we all know that difficulty in our online lives!

A sample of sites with useful - for work stuff - RSS feeds: 'The Australian' newspaper (particularly the business and IT sections), Scientific American, Parliament of Australia website and SearchEngineWatch .

A useful place for library minded readers to start learning about RSS and such tech toys is at Curtin University's RSS page.

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