Monday, June 25, 2007

A thing about LibraryThing... and Rollyo

So now we have some tech toys that can 'save time' once you've spent the time setting them up!

LibraryThing is pretty cool. One can quite quickly DIY one's books into an illustrated catalogue. Timing was good - recently went to my fave bookshop's annual sale (Galaxy Bookshop) to stock up on latest goodies from f & sf genres. So I promptly-ish added the latest purchases (and some of the ever-so-large stockpile of my monographs) to my little corner of LibraryThing. Though it has a few idiosyncrasies that are unavoidable in a beta version, it is a very handy way to keep tabs on one's collection. The ability to add your own/read others' reviews or use the suggest/unsuggest options = nifty!
The inclusion of covers is very useful - so many titles now come out in multiple covers... can be hard to keep track if one bought the book some time ago but haven't read it yet - and it appears reincarnated on the bookshop shelves!

Rollyo is another fun tool out there: use it to create your own specialised search engine to trawl the websites of your choice. Can be very useful. Nice, too, to be able to test/use/modify for your own the searchrolls others have already added.

1 comment:

Administration said...

I like the idea of a travel website search engine...Keep up the good work