Friday, July 20, 2007

To tag or not to tag...

This puppy’s inner indexer/cataloguer is torn between running screaming into the distance and enjoying - plus occasionally appreciating - the weird and wonderful? side of web 2.0 that includes tagging / social bookmarking / folksonomies.

One nice ‘potted version’ article that I came across - that you can share with all those you know who look blank (or worried) when you say tagging - is was ‘7 things you should know about social bookmarking’ on the Educause website - a useful summary, including discussion of the good, the bad and the folksy.

Technorati can be interesting - have to agree with their “…zillions of… some of them have to be good” headnote ! I just haven’t found many yet - and no, I’m not counting the fun ones that I peeked at!
It did point me in the direction of some other interesting sites like… Thoof - a cute combo of tagging site and wiki, but still in its infancy, eg. a recent search for ‘library’ had only 4 hits; and BoingBoing - self proclaimed ‘directory of wonderful things’ - lots of stuff to chase through (interesting history of BoingBoing’s real-world to e-world life in Wikipedia entry).

Well, is a bit of fun - useful place to store and share your own choice websites, blogs, etc, as well as to pick up on ‘what-other-people-are-looking-at’ (or, to put it in tv cooking show speak: ‘here’s one somebody else prepared earlier’ !

The value of what one might call social search refinement seems to work best, perhaps naturally, when the numbers of users/contributors hit a (fairly large) critical mass. Enough bodies putting in their 2 cents worth, or by default not doing so, can push the more useful sources to the fore.

The dear 75 year old Australian Broadcasting Corporation took a curious leap in the tagging direction, when, on July 1 2007/this year, its news website was redesigned and ‘my tags’ and ‘my stories’ (for bookmarks) sections appeared ready for (inter)action. Worth noting that the tag library is well populated and exudes an air of authority, control and sense ! So either ‘Aunty’ was very well prepared (no surprise there) and provided an authority list… or (and?) we, the ABC viewers and listeners, are a truly erudite bunch!

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