Sunday, August 5, 2007

The end ?? Nooooooooo!

The end of the world as we know it!
No, just a break to return to the everyday... while using (at least some of) the nifty things we've had to have a go at in the "Learning 23 Things" program.
My favs -, ZohoWriter, and LibraryThing; yes..., and Flickr plus YouTube - but only for the fun stuff that I have no time to look for anyway ;).
Already had things like BlogLines on the go from some time back plus being in the midst of the set-up of a new work wiki ... but always more to see and learn out there !
Did enjoy having a go at the various other things but I can see myself making more use of these beasties.
The impetus of a 'have to do' course always a boost to trying to squeeze in that bit more professional development work in the oodles of free time that we have -not - but it was fun (at times) [insert here mental image of classic old email graphic "duck smashing keyboard" ] - as the technology can still let us down too often.
And my parting graphics (at least for now) - if the layout gremlins have departed...


1 comment:

Administration said...

Well done...I hope this has inspired you to continue on your learning 2.0 journey.