Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So. You want more web 2.0 ?...

Apart from the various websites out there that list and comment on web 2.0 (2.1...3.0...) goodies, a nice little real world paper item was produced recently...
A set of articles in the Australian business magazine Business Review Weekly (aka BRW) (ISSN 0727-7458), issue date June 19-25 2008.
Sorry e-people but the articles are currently subscriber access only online.
The first one is entitled 'The new web revolution' and a few pages on is a list (compiled the the firm Future Exploration Network) of 100 "significantly Australian" (some of them not for much longer!) web 2.0 applications.
A wide range of apps are included in this list - some that sound interesting include:
factbites - a search engine that displays results with full sentences - nice one for young and new net surfers; streetadvisor - rate the amenities in your street/locality, mostly Australia, UK, US and Canada plus other countries; plugger - Australian news monitoring site; and a favourite of the Wolf's: Powerhouse Museum collection search - search the many thousands of items using taxonomy or folksonomy tags.

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