Thursday, June 7, 2007

A flick thru Flickr

And now some more illustrations for your viewing pleasure, selected from all the many and varied pics posted on Flickr from folks around the globe !

Hopefully links will remain stable - another test of the user-friendliness of technology!

Wolf (tries to) take the time to stop and smell the roses ... but works too hard !(from 'csstudios')

A neighbour of the wolf (from 'Doug Lloyd')

Somewhere near wolf's place... (from 'bobj03054)

Ahhhh! the technology - from the days of perusing a photo library's stock by peering thru a magnifying lens or leafing thru prints... to typing a subject/topic/item of interest into a search engine or photo website... or just browsing.
PS - hey, you out there! - don't go getting any ideas that this is some grey-muzzled old wolf blogging away - this wulfie just happens to read alot about 'the ways things was' :)

1 comment:

Administration said...

I still prefer to peer through that lens!!! A virtual holiday just isn't as inviting as the real thing!!!!